Jesus said, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them, for such is the kingdom of heaven.”
Matthew 19:14

At Dalraida Baptist Church we believe in giving all of God’s children a strong foundation and knowledge to lead them toward a future relationship with the Lord. Our goal is to partner with you, the parents, in providing love, care and guidance for your preschooler.
Since your little one is always learning through play, reading, music, games, puzzles, nature, and senses; these are the ways in which we teach your little one the word of God. We have an abundance of loving teachers and volunteers committed to praying over, caring for, and lovingly teaching your preschooler in nursery each week.
We strive to provide a safe and secure environment for your children. All children are required to be signed in and out by their parent or guardian when being brought to our secure nursery facility.
Sunday School

Every Sunday morning at 9:15 a.m. our preschoolers attend Sunday School classes. We divide our little ones into 4 groups: 6 weeks- 1 year, 1 year olds, 2 and 3 year olds, and 4 and 5 year olds. Classes are taught using Lifeway’s The Gospel Project curriculum to teach Bible stories in age appropriate ways.
Sunday Morning Worship

While you worship in our church sanctuary your preschooler will be playing games, making crafts, and singing songs that carry on their Bible lesson from Sunday School. We offer sensory centers to keep their little minds always busy learning through play. On nice weather days your little one’s class may also visit our fully enclosed playground for fun outdoors.

Wednesday Evening Activities
Preschool Praise Party begins at 6:00 p.m. Your child age 3-5 will learn to worship God through song. Your child’s experience will include singing, playing instruments, and learning a love of worshiping through music.

At 6:45 a Bible lesson will be taught using special crafts and activities to keep active minds engaged in their lessons.
Preschool Activities and Outings
Throughout the year we will plan day trips for you and your preschooler to be able to have fun with the other preschool families in your Dalraida Baptist family.