It’s our hope that the music at Dalraida Baptist Church would captivate you, draw you in, and prepare your heart to encounter Jesus every week! We worship the Audience of One!

Our normal worship service meets each Sunday at 10:30AM. We’ll use multiple musical styles and songs, performed with utmost excellence. We’ll play songs you’d hear on the radio. We’ll sing hymns that have been sung for centuries, modern worship songs and music from around the world; all with the goal of helping people just like you encounter Jesus Christ.

When it comes to worship, God is the omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent One, and the believer’s worship must be pleasing to Him, and thus never taken lightly or done carelessly. In order for worship to be acceptable, it must be in the name of Christ, guided by the Holy Spirit, and in conformity with the Word of God.

Music Opportunities
Celebration Choir – The Celebration Choir lead in Sunday morning services. The choir family meets on Wednesdays at 6:45pm in the Choir Suite. Ministry Highlights: Christmas, Easter, and Special events (MBA Hallelujah choir, Evangelism Conference, etc.)
Celebration Band – This Instrumental Ministry rehearses each Sunday morning at 8:30am in the Worship Center. This Ensemble plays in the 10:30am Morning Worship service. Brass, woodwind, keyboard, percussion, and string instruments are welcome! Proficient musicians from High School and beyond are encouraged to join this ministry.
New Beginning Choir – This is our Senior Adult Choir that meets on Monday’s from 10:00 am – 11:00am, except in the summer. We participate in community singing events at nursing homes and other places as well as other Special events (Joint Choirs, Sr. Adult Evangelism conference, etc.)
Special Music – Solos, duets, trios, quartets and ensembles share in the worship services and rehearse at various times.
Use Your Gift
Are you interested in being involved in the worship ministry? You could be a dynamic Celebration Choir member, an incredible Celebration Band musician, a fun filled New Beginning Choir member, an Audio/Video Team volunteer, and more!
If you are ready to jump in and allow God to use you CLICK HERE.