Register Here for Student Life for Kids Summer Camp 2024

“Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not rely on your own understanding; in all your ways know him, and he will make your paths straight.” Proverbs 3:5-6
God has a grand adventure in store for each of us. We were lost and separated from God because of our sin. But through Jesus, God made it so that there was always a way back to Him. At Student Life Kids Camp 2024, we will set sail to discover what it means to be lost and what it means to be found. Climb aboard and embark on a voyage to find who God made you to be.
When: July 16-19
Where: Shocco Springs (Talladega, AL)
Who: 3rd-6th Grade
Cost: $375 per person
($100 non-refundable deposit due May 1; Full amount due June 26)
Deadline to Register: May 1
**A 2024-2025 medical release form is required for each child to attend. Please download, complete, and submit the form below to the church office along with a copy of your medical insurance card for each child.**
*Must be notarized.
Please complete the following form to register to participate in Summer Camp with Dalraida Kids. Be sure to check your email for registration confirmation containing a link to an additional required form to complete!
If you would like to pay for Summer Camp online, please click the button below to access Online Giving.
In the memo line of your donation, please type Kids Camp, so that we can designate the funds appropriately!