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Shirt Orders

Order Your Own Dalraida Baptist T-Shirt!

We are offering the opportunity to order your own Dalraida Baptist t-shirt! There are three color options: navy denim, red, and black. Each shirt has our church name and steeple on the front and 

“Christian People Loving People” on the back. 

Cost: $12.50/shirt

If you are ordering more than one shirt, please calculate how much you owe and pay online by clicking the button below, or pay with cash or check brought to the church office. 


The deadline to place your order is October 22nd.

Please complete the following form to order your Dalraida Baptist Shirt(s): 

If you would like to pay for your shirt(s) online, please click the button below to access Online Giving. 

Please type “shirts” in the memo line of your donation so that we can designate the funds appropriately!