Amplify Weekend 2025

Register Here for Amplify Weekend 2025

We are so excited our students have the opportunity to gather for a time of growing in their faith through studying God’s Word, worshipping Him through song, and discussing His truths in small groups led by incredible small group leaders and in corporate worship with students across the city!

There are more details to come, however, you can go ahead and register your student(s) today using the form below. Soon you will be able to download a copy of the schedule for the weekend, but if you have not completed one yet, you can go ahead and download a medical release form that must be completed and turned in to the church. Also, please check your email after you submit the form! A REQUIRED secondary form will be emailed to you at the email address you provide. If you are registering more than one student, simply refresh the page and submit another form.

When: February 28- March 2
Where: Dalraida Baptist Church & Eastmont Baptist Church
Who: Students 7th-12th Grade
Cost: $45

Please complete the following form to register to participate in Amplify Weekend with Dalraida Students: 

Amplify Weekend

  • For those in financial need.
  • I agree to Dalraida Baptist Church utilizing images of my student in photo or video format for the purpose of promotion.

If you would like to pay for Amplify Weekend 2025 online, please click the button below to access Online Giving. 

In the memo line of your donation, please type Amplify, so that we can designate the funds appropriately!