Once you register for the following event using the form below, please note that your registration will not be complete until you complete the electronic form that will be sent to the email address you provide.
Also, if you have not yet completed a medical release form for the year,
you can find it below. Keep in mind that it must be notarized.
Register Here for Beach Retreat
What is Beach Retreat?
The main goal of Beach Retreat is to see our Dalraida Students gradually transform into the image of Christ each year. Other goals include uniting our new 7th graders to the rest of the youth group, growing in Christ as we focus on different biblical themes each year, and having fun at the beach!
Dates: July 30 – August 2
Where: Blue Horizons, Panama City Beach, FL
Who: Students Entering 7th-12th Grade & 2024 Graduates
Cost: $150 Total Cost due before leaving on July 30
Please complete the following form to register to attend Beach Retreat 2024 with Dalraida Students:
Beach Retreat 2024
If you would like to pay for Beach Retreat online, please click the button below to access Online Giving.
In the memo line of your donation, please type BEACH RETREAT, so that we can designate the funds appropriately!